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For Residents
Take Action
Join the Friends of West Acton mailing list
Speak up and vote No at the Town Meeting on Dec. 10!
Maintain Your Septic System
Adhere to septic system best practices
Have your septic system pumped every 2 years
For the Town
Sewer Oversight Committee
The Board of Selectmen has too many other responsibilities to give the sewer proper oversight. We want a separate committee specifically for sewer management. This committee would provide accountability for unusually high sewer fees in Acton and be a source of transparent information.
Public Outreach
Public education about septic maintenance can prolong optimal functioning of septic systems in Acton.
Ensure Septic Maintenance
Ensure that homeowners adhere to a two-year pumping schedule.
Resume Nitrate Testing
The Acton Health Department is very busy and should be given resources to resume nitrate testing in Acton streams and wetlands.
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